Phishing is an attempt, usually by email or website, to trick you into revealing personal or financial information by appearing to be from a legitimate source, such as Financely. This information could include your date of birth, login information, account details, credit card details, PIN codes, passport copy and more. Vishing is an attempt to obtain this information by phone.
You should always be wary of any telephone call or message that asks for your personal or financial information or messages that refer you to a web page asking for this information. Always ask yourself whether contact from an apparently trustworthy organisation might be a scam. Generally, fraudsters will use free web addressed, spoofed emails (unverified ones) or lookalike domain names.
Be wary. Financely will never send unsolicited e-mail messages asking our customers to update or verify their personal and security details. Financely will not telephone you to ask you to update or verify your information, in particular asking you to divulge your password. Your login credentials are personal to you and should not be divulged to any other person.
Be suspicious of generic greetings such as “Dear valued customer”; Financely will always contact you by name.
Most importantly, never reply to suspicious contact with your personal or financial information.
Don’t fill out forms or sign-in screens that link from these messages.
Be careful not to use any suggestions included in the suspicious email to contact Financely; so don’t respond to it, and don’t click any links in the email.
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Financely connects growth-oriented businesses with investors seeking premium opportunities, effectively bridging the gap between capital demand and supply. While we are not a securities broker or dealer, we collaborate with investment banks, legal counsel, and other professionals as needed. We do not offer to buy or sell securities and disclaim liability for capital-raising results.
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Financely Inc. is a corporate finance consulting firm wholly owned by Aurora Bay Trust, a Bahamas-established trust, or its relevant authorized affiliates. Depending on the nature of the transaction, applicable jurisdiction, and regulatory requirements, services may be provided through Financely Group LLC, a non-banking financial company (NBFC) that does not accept deposits from the public, Ashford Capital Advisory LLC, or other affiliated entities as appropriate. We do not operate as a securities broker/dealer. Please review our terms of service to determine if working with Financely Group, Ashford Capital Advisory, or their affiliates is suitable for your specific needs. In the United States, we operate as an
exempt foreign private adviser pursuant to the Dodd-Frank Act, subject to applicable exemptions from certain regulatory requirements. Our services and regulatory status may vary based on the location and nature of the transaction.
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